sabato 25 febbraio 2017

Just a few things....

Today's post is a sort of revision of what we studied in the last unit!

First of all (prima di tutto), functions! Yesterday someone told me he/she was still confused about the use of CAN, COULD and MAY when asking for permission, so, if you didn't get it yet,  here you have a video about it.

In the video, Alex adds "Do you mind"... He says that it's even more (ancora più) formal than MAY, it would be our "Ti dispiace se..."

Another issue (problema) is the use of MUSTN'T and DON'T/DOESN'T HAVE TO....


  • MUST expresses obligation imposed by the speaker, while HAVE TO expresses external obligation

Teacher: "You must complete this essay by Friday"
Student: "We have to complete this essay by Friday"

  •       It's more common to use HAVE TO in questions instead of MUST 

                Does he have to do the test tomorrow?          

  •       Use HAD TO instead of MUST in the past tense      
                 I had to pay a fine (multa) two days ago.                                          

For their negative forms you can have a look at the picture below:

And last but not least (in ultimo ma non per importanza): house cleaning vocabulary! Did you tidied up your room this morning?  I did! 🙋

Alex will teach us some of the most common verbs and nouns used to talk about house cleaning:

Did you find this post useful (utile)?

4 commenti:

  1. Yes,it's been useful
    I have got it.
    Alex was clear to explain
    Thanks a lot for the post.
    Good evening.
    See you tomorrow
    PROF... THIS MESSAGE IS BY LUCA BOISIO he mustn't write in this site and I help Him😊

    I think that alex is very funny when explain,and for me is a good tracher... but don't worry also you prof, are good 😅

  3. *don't worry prof, also you are good

  4. - "he mustn't write in this site and I help Him" > He CAN'T (non riesce... MUSTN'T= NON DEVE) write here, SO I'M HELPING him (Present Continuous not Present Simple... because you're doing it NOW)

    - "alex is very funny when explain,and for me is a good trache" > Alex is very funny when EXPLAINING, and for me HE (SUBJECT) is a good teacher


Keep calm and... be fair!