lunedì 16 gennaio 2017

Blue Monday!

Do you know today's "Blue Monday"?

According to popular belief (credenza popolare), today's "Blue Monday", the most depressing day of the year!!!! 😲
Blue Monday falls (cade) on the third Monday in January when you are apparently most likely (con molta probabilità) to find yourself cold, poor, miserable and fantasising about a week in the sun...
The phrase Blue Monday was actually coined (coniata) in 2005, as part (come parte) of an ad campaign for Sky Travel, which claimed (ha affermato) to have calculated the date using an equation!

There's also a song entitled "Blue Monday", but actually I found it... a little bit depressing! 😁
Keep calm and wait because they start singing after a while (dopo un po')!

What do you think about it? Did you like it? 😅 But above all (soprattutto) what do think of Blue Monday? Is it real? Did you feel particulary sad today?  According to you, why did they choose this particular time of the year?

And just to stay in theme  (per rimanere in tema) below you can find 10 different words you can use to say sad in English!

12 commenti:

  1. Sara eladawy
    For me blue Monday is a superstition and I don't believe in it,I think it isn't real. Yesterday I didn't feel particularly sad for me it was a simple day.
    Maybe because is Monday and Monday is hated from everyone because starts schools and work from vacation and you still weak up early... I didn't know.

    1. Hi Sara, I totally agree (essere d'accordo) with you! Besides (per di più), I don't think it is possible to establish, using a Maths equation, which day is the most depressing! For sure (sicuramente), the one after Christmas, it's a sad period because, after a long period of vacation, we have to go back to our duties (doveri).
      As for your sentences... the first one was grammatically correct, but there are some problems with the second one. Let's check it out!
      "Maybe because IT (you always need a subject) is Monday and Monday is hated BY (complementeo d'agente) everyone because WE HAVE TO GO BACK TO school OR work and WE HAVE TO weak up early AGAIN... I DON'T know."

  2. The video is beautiful, but I don't believe in it, because for me is a normal day in the year. On third monday in jenuary I wasn't particulary sad,but I was happy and careful. For me it isn't real.😊

    1. Hello Viviana! How was your trip to London? Did you enjoy it? London is a stunning (stupenda) city, isn't it?
      When you write a sentence in English... don't forget the subject:
      - for me IT is a normal day
      Be careful with the spelling and the capital letters:
      - On THE (before an ordinal number you have always to put the definite article) third Monday OF JAnuary.
      What do you mean by saying that you were "careful"?

  3. I really thing that blue Monday is a legend because I don't belive in that type of "superstitions" but, maybe the other person thing it's Real... For me they choosen a particulary day of years becouse sometime January is the month of sadness, because end Holiday and start the school...

    1. So, you don't believe in any supersitions, Giorgia... what if a black cat crosses your path? Would you keep going or would you change street?
      Moreover (inoltre), pay attention because the word "thing" is a noun (sostantivo) and it means "cosa", you should have used (avresti dovuto usare) the verb "to think":
      - I really thinK that blue Monday is a legend because I don't belive in that type of "superstition" but, maybe other PEOPLE thinK it's Real..

      - they chose (past simple of the verb TO CHOOSE) THIS particulaR day becAuse (be careful with the spelling) January is the month of sadness, SINCE (dato che) Christmas Holidays END WHILE (mentre) the school STARTS AGAIN...

  4. Federico tase:
    I don't like the music.... is Sad... give melancholy.
    For the blue Monday.... I think that "The blue monday" isn't real!😑
    The People think that is real because every Monday everyone begin to work..😖 is a things that became popular!...and together became to believe it!☺...also because the day before Sunday!..and on sundays togheter stay at home ..and don't do nothing!..and the day after on monday evrybody become to work... and isn't ABITUATI😅 ..and are very tired!!...and finally..nothing..😊😊 ...

    1. Federico... ehm... we have "some" corrections to make!
      - I don't like the music.... IT (the subject!) is Sad... and MAKES YOU FEEL BLUE.
      - People (no article because you're talking about people in general) think that IT (subject) is real because every Monday WE HAVE TO GO BACK TO WORK.
      - IT is a THING (singular)...
      - and together became to believe it! ..also because the day before Sunday(I don't get what you mean here)
      - On Sundays people usually stay at home doing nothing (if you want to use NOTHING... remember, the verb has to be positive)
      - and the day after on monday evrybody become to work... and isn't ABITUATI�� ..and are very tired!!...and finally..nothing..���� ...( Here again... I don't get what you mean)
      - I hope I DIDN'T (past action) commit any mistake WITH...
      - SEE you soon
      I appreciate your effort... but you have to think about the structure (S-V-O) when you write... don't forget it!
      See you tomorrow, Federico

  5. Francesca Cavallo
    For me Blue Monday is a stupid legend and I think isn't real, because I don't think there is a particular unhappy day and I think is very stupid estabilish it using the Math equation.
    I in the Blue Monday didn't particular depressed or unhappy.
    I believe they choose these time of the year because holidays finish and everyone go to school,we do homework,test and we get up early

    1. - I think IT (subject) isn't real
      - I think IT (same mistake as above... the SUBJECT) is very stupid TO estabilish (it's an infinitive) it using A Math equation.
      - I didn't feel PARTICULARLY depressed on Blue Monday (time expressions usually go at the end of the sentences)
      - I believe they CHOSE THIS time of the year because IT IS WHEN THE holidays finish and everyone goES BACK to school. We have homework and test to do and we have to get up early AGAIN.

  6. I think monday is a sad day because i start again the week.. so the Every day life.
    We start to work and study, while before(during Weekend) we have chilled out.

    1. Welcome Luca! I think it's the first time you write here! = )
      - I think Monday (capital letter) is a sad day because the week startS again
      - We can write EVERYDAY as a single word, and in this case it is used as an adjective that means commonplace, ordinary, or normal; or as two separated words EVERY DAY and it means "each day"... so in your sentence you should have used (avresti dovuto usare) "everyday life.
      - durung THE weekend
      Ok Luca, you did pretty well!


Keep calm and... be fair!