venerdì 6 gennaio 2017

Indefinite pronouns and its compounds...

Hi guys! Another rule we will find in the unit we're studying is related to (si riferisce a) SOME, ANY and NO compounds (composti).I'm sure "everybody" has read or listened them in songs or other kind of texts, but, just to be sure, let's revise (rivediamo) the indefinite some, any and no first.

We form the compounds by adding -one, -body, -thing, -where to some, any and no as you can see in the picture below!

We use them exactly as their "parents" some, any and no

There is someone  (qualcuno) here > positive

I won't tell your secret to anyone (nessuno) > negative
Is there anything (qualcosa) to eat? > question

Nobody  (nessuno) was at home when I called > negative meaning with positive verb

It's very easy! 

You could also find interesting taking a look at this video! Enjoy it!

Anyway (comunque), don't worry... we'll see them together in class!

2 commenti:

  1. good afternoon prof! the rule of someone,anyone,no one ecc... is so clear. Thank you😄😄 have a nice day😉


Keep calm and... be fair!